Make America Sane
That is a campaign slogan I could get behind, the idea of which is prompting this special mid-week edition of the GR. Two items:
First, a link: to a review by historian Allen Guelzo of Jon Schaff’s Abraham Lincoln’s Statesmanship.
It is especially on the question of means that Schaff dwells, since what he finds most remarkable in Lincoln is his prudence and moderation. Prudence is meant here not in the cheap sense of prissiness, since Lincoln was willing to pay high prices for his politics and absorb staggering amounts of punishment on their behalf. And certainly Schaff does not mean moderation in the beastly sense of constantly calculating the mid-point of a loaf others are always cutting in size. Moderation is about recognizing the legitimacy of competing claims, refusing to dismiss as unquestionably immoral that with which we simply disagree. Prudence is about reverence for law, about healing the wounds of the body politic. This prudence and this moderation are always aimed toward justice, but they do not regard justice as the sole question.
If there was ever a moment in American history when we need statesmen who practice prudence and moderation, this would be it.
Second, an invitation: to the online Convention on Founding Principles, which is a week away. The many speakers—okay, I’m one of them—will in their on way address the pressing need to revive the political values upon which our nation was founded, many of which seem to be floating off to sea. I’m speaking on why moral character—and not just political skill—is absoultely necessary for the men and women who lead us.
Here’s a video to introduce the convention. It starts on my birthday, and it would be a nice birthday treat if GR readers would register and, if nothing else, listen at least to my talk and send along comments—including disagreements handled with prudence and moderation!
P.S. Speaking of comments: Thank you for those (many!) who noted my confusion about Souix City vs. Souix Center in one link on Friday. I don’t know how I ever became an editor in chief with such poor proofreading skills!
Grace and peace,
Mark Galli
Sioux City vs. Sioux Center? Or was that tongue-in-cheek?