The Galli Report: 09.18.20
Realistic hope about race; what to do about men; non-religious election; the beauty of pond scum.
Realistic Hope about Race
Extremists dominate the news and social media because, well, extreme views get page views, the life blood of journalism and blogging. Such views wouldn’t be entertained if there wasn’t some measure of truth to be had there. But usually it is just that—only some truth, usually mixed with a heavy dose of wild thought.
At the risk of testing GR readers’ patience, I encourage you to read not one but two essays by David French on race in America. Though they are not a religious analysis as such, one can clearly see that his Christian faith has helped him grasp what is true and not true about much that has been said on the topic.
I appreciate how in “On the Use and Abuse of Critical Race Theory in American Christianity” he acknowledges what is right about that theory. Christians, who acknowledge the gravity and pervasiveness of sin, should appreciate the claims that racism deeply infects our nation. Then again, we’re the first to see that greed, lust, selfishness, pride, and a host of other sins do so as well. It’s not one particular sin that infects our nation, but sin in general. This essay is broader than this truth, but I think it is grounded in it.
In the second essay, subtitled, “The systems of liberty confront the systems of oppression,” French continues the argument, this time arguing both that racism, yes, has left us a pernicious legacy to attend to while affirming that the basic promise of America—the pursuit of “liberty and justice for all”—has helped us make dramatic strides in the right direction. And will continue to do so in the future if we will let it.
What to Do About Men
This apparently has been a concern since the early 19th century, when according to one historical analysis,
The church became almost explicitly anti-male in its view of sin and society. It came to see women as naturally good and men as naturally evil and the source of most problems in the world.
One contemporary observation that accords with this is how on Mother’s Day, pastors praise and laud the sacrifice of moms, but typically on Father’s Day, fathers are given stern exhortations to get their act together. (One bit of evangelistic advice: do not invite inchurched men to church on Father’s Day).
Aaron Ren explores the larger phenomenon historically and currently in “The Manosphere and the Church.” Just to be clear: this is not a screed, nor a woe-is-me essay where we men are encouraged to feel sorry for ourselves. Nor does Ren suggest it’s time to dump on women! It is an analysis that I believe contains a fair amount of truth regarding gender dynamics in church and society.
Politics Is Politics—Even for the Religious
Another fine essay—it’s been a plethora of riches lately—argues that
Having written about religion and its relationship to American culture and politics for more than half a century, I am not inclined to minimize the effects of religious belief, behavior, and belonging on American public life. But I think it’s abundantly clear that religion has rarely been a significant factor in our presidential politics, and isn’t likely to be in the upcoming election.
The writer is Kenneth Woodward, who had a long, distinguished career writing about religion for Newsweek. He’s trying—I think successfully—to demonstrate that while many religious people can be enthusiastic about politics, their religious beliefs as such, don’t necessarily play a significant role in their political choices.
The Beauty of Pond Scum
Speaking of politics—just kidding! After recommending four longish essays, it’s time for a breather: video microscopy that, for me at least, is a moving reminder that “the earth’s is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”
Grace and peace,
Mark Galli