The Galli Report: 11.06.20
What this election is teaching me--again. And how evolution shows a purposeful universe.
I Haven’t Learned Anything in Four Years Apparently
I want to encourage GR readers to take the time and effort to read this interview with Martin Gurri, former CIA analyst, entitled "The Prophet of the Revolt." It’s long enough to equal all the reading I link to most weeks, so it’s the only reading link this week. I believe it throws light not only what is going on in the U.S. but also across the world. And it indirectly addresses people like you and me—the elite.
The elite are those on the political left and right who more or less control the levers of our culture. The people who take leadership in government, medicine, science, journalism, education, the arts, the non-profit world, and so on. And those people who are deeply sympathetic to elite culture.
You’ll have to read the interview, as well as his book (see below) to get a fuller picture, but this elite has until recently been in control of information, and that information we have used to create certain narratives about our nation. But with the explosion of information technology, we no longer are in control of information and the narratives that give meaning to our life together as a nation. When that happens, “the public,” as Gurri names them (those who previously had to be more culturally and politically passive) now have access to gigabytes of information and countless narratives, and they’ve come to believe that the elite have no clothes. They are mad as hell and won’t take it anymore
This is a phenomenon he first discussed in 2014 in the aftermath of populist outbreaks in Iran, Egypt, Libya and elsewhere at the time. I encourage you to read his The Revolt of the Public: The Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium.
The reason I’m pushing this now is because of comments I’ve heard and made in light of the presidential election. Some of us were hoping for a landslide, which would repudiate President Trump and his handling of his office, and therefore repudiate all who support him. When I saw that the election was going to be close—razor thin close—I said to my wife, “It’s troubling that so many Americans voted for him. What does that say about our country?”
Can you see what is happening here? I’m assuming that those who support Trump are stupid, clueless, or driven by unworthy motives. Knowing human nature as I do (personally), no doubt some Trump supporters are such. But so are some Democrats. And socialists. And so am I sometimes. The instinct to merely look with bewilderment at those with whom we have political disagreements—well, that’s both a political and character issue. It suggests that such people aren’t worth thinking about seriously, and the only solution is their political marginalization. Thus my desire that Trump be pulverized in this election--that’ll teach them! Then I wouldn’t have to think about them anymore.
For the crazies, yes, let’s marginalize them. Those who drive pick-up trucks with huge American and Trump flags in an attempt to intimidate, yes. Antifa protesters who don’t seem to give a damn about law and order, yes. But there are thoughtful, sane, and reasonable people who, while agreeing that Trump has serious character flaws and incompetencies, nonetheless thought the good he does outweighs the bad. They constitute nearly half of America. I cannot write them off.
Bottom line is this: It appears I’ve learned nothing in four years. After the 2016 election, I went to the trouble to read a number of books that would help me understand the men and women who voted for Trump. The two most important books for me were
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
As you can guess, another person who has given me insight into meta-realities shaping our political, cultural, and religious worlds is Martin Gurri. You don’t have to drink the Kool Aid here; there is plenty to arm-wrestle about. And Gurri himself admits he doesn’t have the solution. But no forthcoming solution is going to work if we don’t understand what exactly we’re trying to solve. His analysis gives me at least a few insights.
It looks like I’m going back to school. I hope it will stick this time.
From Chaos to Order
Whereas Gurri’s analysis tempts one to think chaos rules the world, this video, The Purposeful Universe, restores some psychological balance. In it, Dan Kuebler (professor of biology and dean of the School of Natural and Applied Sciences at Franciscan University) argues--from evolution no less!--that the universe is not as random as we’ve been led to believe, and in fact, there is much proof that it has been designed with a purpose.
Grace and peace,
Mark Galli
a little late dont ya think- now turned catholic "brother" Galli! Wish you had read these before you threw Trump(admittedly flawed) under the bus and indirectly helped elect relatively Godless -pro abortion, anti church, anti israel,pro sodomite, Biden-Harris-Schumer-Pelosi-and gave these folks power over most of the world- elections have consequences!!!
Another interesting book that extends the picture just outside the borders of the US is: The Nine Nations of North America. As a Canadian who lives in the Empty Quarter I find Joel Garreau's arguments quite compelling. []