Yes, last Sunday I remembered my 11-year-old sister requesting the hymn, "Up From the Grave He Arose" during a random Sunday-evening spontaneous request time. My parents, good Evangelicals, were very embarrassed, but the pastor had us sing it anyway.
RE: Why Doesn’t [the] Flu Tank [the] Economy Like Covid-19
A subscription is required to read beyond the introduction. It's a very good question, though. For those searching for answers, I have two suggestions: prayer is effective, and choosing less-obvious keywords in order to evade the search engine robot censors can help a little too.
Yes, last Sunday I remembered my 11-year-old sister requesting the hymn, "Up From the Grave He Arose" during a random Sunday-evening spontaneous request time. My parents, good Evangelicals, were very embarrassed, but the pastor had us sing it anyway.
RE: Why Doesn’t [the] Flu Tank [the] Economy Like Covid-19
A subscription is required to read beyond the introduction. It's a very good question, though. For those searching for answers, I have two suggestions: prayer is effective, and choosing less-obvious keywords in order to evade the search engine robot censors can help a little too.
I just discovered that it's on for free, as far as I can tell. Thanks to less-obvious key words...! Thanks.
Well how about that. OK, then, yes, I found the article informative, more so than many other sources I have reviewed. Thank you!