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RE: "it’s going to be some time before we really get a handle on all this"

Yes. That much is fairly certain. Earlier in this drama I was feeling as though I were watching election-night returns, something I wouldn't normally do. Or a breaking news story, where the facts aren't yet known. That's more in line with the actual situation, but the outcomes of elections can have much more impact on our lives than most breaking news stories that come and go, and I think that is the better match for how I was feeling. It's as though we are putting truth to a vote.

The feeling is a little different now, and as I examine it more closely -- since it seems to be worsening -- it has become more like that which arises from being subjected to crazymaking, A.K.A. "gaslighting". (See Genesis 3:1-5 for an early example.)

The Atlantic article contains many good points. There are a few points that don’t mesh well with my sources, and some important aspects of the problem that are only mentioned in passing if at all. All in all it seems like something that could be helpful for people that are not already deeply engaged in their own research.

I have long been curious about viruses, RNA and retro, and their roles in creation and in sustaining that creation. My sense is that our understanding of their purpose and function is extremely limited and somewhat misguided, although interesting research is coming along that points to other things viruses do in the cell besides reproduce themselves and cause damage.

My great concern is that with few exceptions I hear many public voices talking about how we need to fix 'this' problem (name your problem-- the pandemic is a good choice), how we know we can fix it through hard work and collaboration, and how critical it is that we do fix it. It's human self-reliance at its best, and it ultimately tends toward disaster. I don't know of anywhere else it can go. Is that just another issue we need to work harder on?

It's an old problem. "…As in the days of Noah…as in the days of Lot…Whoever tries to make his life secure will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it…" (excerpts from Luke 17:26-33).

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