How to Think Christianly About Race: Let me preface the following links with the admission that I’m not exactly sure how to think Christianly about race. But I suspect that in this moment of appropriate righteous indignation about racial injustice, we are tempted to frame our thinking in terms and strategies that inadvertently squelch the insights Christian theology can bring to bear. Here are a three pieces that raised questions that I want to think about more.
Yes, there are differences in how Christians support their political leaders. We should be supporting AND questioning. Unfortunately, on the left and right, I see Christians whose politics prevent them from questioning. Thanks for the comment!
In stead of "Trump’s devoted and unquestioning Christian supporters " why not Trump's supporting and yet questioning?
Yes, there are differences in how Christians support their political leaders. We should be supporting AND questioning. Unfortunately, on the left and right, I see Christians whose politics prevent them from questioning. Thanks for the comment!