Materials and ideas are forms. In-form-ation, re-form-ation, in-form, uni-form, and lots more. All forms can be pointers, but cannot actually be the truth because the truth just is….invisible and without form.

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(Mark fantastic article, lots to think about in here, thank you!)

@lennysmith - This was such a great comment to read afterward. I never thought about form in that way. Are there any resources you could point me to for further reading?

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The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. In three years read The Course In Miracles. Enjoy the ride! Lenny

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Shades of the Tower of Babel (Genisis 11:1-9)? I wonder what God's reaction will be this time?

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A great analysis and how to deal with all this new "stuff"!

Esther Aikens

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NO forms can reveal to us the Formless One or the Formless Realm. Both are right here and yet we miss it. Even the church has taught IT and He will come later or we will go there later, when all the time the Formless One and the Formless Realm are already right here in the only time there is: Now. God’s name is I AM. Think about that for a month or two:).

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I have come to understand that every form of technology, from the simplest device that measures time to the most powerful computers, has the potential to be used for good and for evil. The reality is that it is always used for both good and evil. This is partly because some people are focussed on the best for others while others are determined to obtain a benefit for themselves, regardless of the cost to individuals and society. With more powerful computers and other forms of technology, both the benefits and damage to individuals and society will be heightened. This makes the transforming message of the gospel even more urgent as our world seems to be pulled increasingly towards trusting in science and away from trusting in God.

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Not to mention that ChatGPT has falsely accused a law professor of sexual assault, and for a brief filed in federal court in NYC, generated citations to cases that didn't exist. In the latter case, the lawyer who filed the brief was ordered to pay thousands of dollars in penalties.

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As most anything in this world, it is nowhere near as good as it's proponents promote, and nowhere near as bad as it's detractors fear.

The one wild card that (almost) no one talks about concerning AI: it is still a machine made by the same fallible humans that expect it to save them. At then end of the day it's Achilles' heal is that it is still a reflection of us...nothing more, nothing less.

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Thanks Mark, great post today, this warm/hot Friday in northern CA! Roy

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