"Greater love has no man than that he should give his life for his friends, Jesus once said. True enough. But it appears also to be true that sometimes greater love has no God-lover than that we should politely ignore the demands of friends and family because we’ve been called to do something else."

See also Mark 6: 1-5.

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What a wonderful meditation, Mark. I've always felt true prayer was communion with God, allowing my soul to be brought in perfect shalom with the kingdom. It's true when we're in that state of vulnerability before the Spirit that we can feel compelled to do things that are remarkably out of sync with the world we live in and cause those around us a great deal of confusion. But there's no denying it's the most blissful state we can reach and the best way to express the true fruit of the kingdom in this world.

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Thanks. Hadn't heard that. Powerful.

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So many now are doing Jesus a real disservice, claiming he is both a lion and a lamb. A lion is a predator, living off the lives of others. A lamb is defenseless, offering no danger or aggression to anyone. The natural man sees that as weakness. The enlightened man or woman sees it as great, though mysterious, strength. So, people now think all happiness, joy, peace, contentment, and bliss are for somewhere else and at a later time. The teachers have mislead the very people they were supposed to enlighten. NOW is the acceptable time, because it is the only time there will ever be. A bit of heaven broke-off and fell to earth and remains, but we still don't get it. Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfbGCJQk43I&t=199s

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