Thanks for the warm "welcome back!" It is very encouraging.

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I wonder. We are not commanded to "feel joy," but we are commanded to rejoice. I cannot command myself to to produce a fruit of the Spirit, but by being obediently thankful, obediently walking on the Spirit, obediently in Christ and obediently loving the brothers and sisters, I turn my self toward my Lord who brings forth that fruit in my life.

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So pleased you're back. Your insights have been missed!

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I am so thankful that YOU ARE BACK! Your writing resonates to my intellect and soul.

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I was delighted to see Peripheral Vision pop up in my emails today. I have missed it! Great to have your thoughts again. I experience joy, even during trauma, because of the promises of God and the nature of His grace that remind me that the best is always yet to come.

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I offer an authentic Texas “Woo Hoo!” to your return! I’ve long enjoyed reading your insights. You often articulate what I want to say but can seem to find the words - doing so again in this post. Thank you! And welcome back!

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I’m filled with Joy to see that you’re back.

When I was on the beach in Barbados New England Winter, I thought that I need to find a theology of pleasure. My dour fundamentalist heritage emphasized a theology of pain. Didn’t Screwtape warn Wormwood to keep his patient from the experience of pure pleasure/joy since that would bring him into direct contact with the enemy?

Walter Hansen

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Welcome back Mark. I think a major purpose of the Golden Rule is to help us discover our deep narcissism and accountability to God. This discovery allows the opportunity to repent; a pre-condition to receiving grace which God gives only to the humble.

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I just went back and re-read your “Omega Edition”. Sounded honest and self-reflective and open to change and discovery. Thought that column had lots of insights to help many people in te same situation of “retirement and ending a stage: what do I do now?”

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Interesting column today. Glad you have semi-resumed. I only “found” you on someone else’s forward, about 6 months before the sabbatical.

I am still where you used to be: a committed evangelical, Canadian persuasion. It would be helpful in your recent stuff to properly refer to your new allegiance as “Roman Catholic”. Capitalizing just “catholic” reinforces that denomination’s claims to be ‘universal’ and primary and exclusive. Sorry us Protestant “separated brethren” reject that claim.

But please keep writing b

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I'll keep that in mind and try to put in "Roman" now and then. It's exclusive mainly in terms of participating in the Eucharist, which represents formal, institutional unity for Catholics (and Orthodox). So exclusive certainly applies there. But the Roman Catholic Church recognizes Protestants as "brothers and sisters" in Christ. So not so exclusive in that sense. That being said, some Roman Catholics can be a bit uppity!

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