Such a wonderful insightful column! Suffering seems to come up in my reading lately and you gave me a lot to think about. I always appreciate and learn so much from you—your insights are always thoughtful and helpful. Keep up the good work!

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Once again, to misquote something I heard not too long ago,"Christ didn't die to save us from suffering. He died to show us the way to suffer."

I have been very impressed how our Catholic brothers and sisters have a much more robust theology of suffering than the Protestant (especially Evangelical) strains. We could do ourselves a great favor by listening to and learning from their lessons.

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We Christians pray for much that God will not give in this age. (I pray for relief of pain and for peace among men, yes, but I pray more often for the salvation of those whom God has not predestined to be saved.) What purpose is served by this practice? I think the main purpose is pleasing God. A loving father wants to hear his children tell him their desires even though that loving father will not give them what they want.

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Those Catholics that remind you of the Presbyterian might be surprised that you haven't read St John Paul II's encyclical on redemptive suffering: https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_letters/1984/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_11021984_salvifici-doloris.html

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Dale, thanks for the reference. I wasn't aware of it and found it profound, as one might expect from JPII. Seems to be saying what I wrote, but at a more nuanced and deeper level to be sure. Not sure what your point is. Please amplify--thanks!

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