I can give an Amen. You have exactly nailed what's going on in my own spiritual journey. It would seem, certainly in my case, that what was a largely intellectual understanding and exercise has now finally pierced the heart as we have time to truly reflect. It's not as if we didn't *understand* what the Bible and the Lord have told us: His Word is certainly clear enough if we but read it. But then - there was the daily scramble just to LIVE and ensure the well-being and safety of those that mattered to us. And we live not only in very fast-paced times - but in fast-changing times. It was, and is, a daily sprint.

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Amen. I'm retired and have at least figured out that this is a time to serve in the most impactful ways that my God-given skills, gifts, knowledge and passions will permit. But that's just another way to stay busy, to avoid the nagging questions about the lack of intimacy in my relationship with God. Thank you for the reminder that I really need to take this Holy Spirit nagging seriously!

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Amen & amen. I'm in exactly the same season as you. Been praying it for awhile.

Ephesians 1:17-19, Matthew7:7.

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