I've followed you for many years and this is an interesting development, to say the least. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide you. As a convert myself, believe me, you will always be on a path of deeper discovery of the faith in Catholicism.

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MY you be blessed Mark on this part of your journey. You are a blessing.

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Ah, I am not surprised you have “fallen upward” into Universal Christ, me too. }:- a.m.

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In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, Roman Catholic or protestant... (interpretation of Gal 3:28)

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You are right about labor unions, but only the private ones. Which have been overshadowed by the public-employee unions for 50 years now, especially the NEA and AFSCME, which are at the top of the pro-abort cheeerleaders. Both FDR and Samuel Gompers warned public-employee unions should not be allowed to engage in collective bargaining because they use tax-funded dues to elect their own bosses (politicians).

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I have subscribed to CT for two decades and love the breadth of writing and Christian traditions represented. I have been fascinated by the Catholic faith but I can't get past the praying to Mary and the saints and some other doctrines that don't seem to have biblical support (I have read a book that attempted to give them biblical support but the arguments didn't seem persuasive enough to me). So I would be interested to know how you got past some of those hurdles.

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As with most things, there is a long answer and a short answer. The short one goes like this. Even though we go to God directly in prayer, we often still ask loved ones to pray for us as well. Mary and the saints are alive and well, according to Christian teaching. Asking them to pray for us is no different than asking our friends and family to pray for us. And honoring them for their holy lives is no different than honoring those on earth whose lives are exemplary. That how I understand it.

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Hmm. I'm a little surprised, but then not so much. I was raised Roman Catholic by parents who were born and raised WAY pre Vatican II. My sisters left years before I did, but then they are 13-14 years my seniors. They eventually went the Pentecostal route and through the waves of off kilter "doctrines" like Word Faith, prosperity, etc. I made the break during college (late 1970s-early 1980s). My parents nearly disowned me. My mom died just knowing that I would one day return. For now, I don't think so. Yet I have retained a respect for the sacramental and the mysterious. Sometimes I feel like Evangelical protestantism can be a little too stripped down and simplistic. On the other hand, right now it's hard to stand up and proclaim "I'm an Evangelical!" I still see problems with Roman Catholicism and even Orthodoxy (hello, Hank!). I still hang up on some of thin line between veneration and worship issues with canonized saints, especially Mary. But for you, I get it. I am happy that you've found some form ground again for yourself. It was clear that you had been searching. I'm not going anywhere. I enjoy and appreciate your thoughtfulness and doing tall my he work of searching for good readings for me! Peace, Brother.

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Thanks for the background, BZ. And for the encouragement.

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I wish there were an editor on this thing. I just discovered half a dozen typos after I hit send.

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Well, you know me-- I didn't notice them :-)))

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